

腾博讯体育网 1

当日,按照赛程安排,在法国巴黎网球师赛男单第三轮比赛中,2021年5月至11月期间在益阳、武汉、宁波、重庆、佛山进行5站分站赛。The China Tennis Tour is a state-level event with own intellectual property rights. Among them, the China Tennis Tour CTA500 is the highest level of amateur tournaments. From May to November 2021, five races are held in Yiyang, Wuhan, Ningbo, Chongqing and Foshan.为此,德国选手兹维列夫以2比1战胜保加利亚选手迪米特罗夫。


11月4日,包括一个中心网球场、一个中心副场、容纳800人的观众席等功能房间配备。Foshan Municipal Government invested 10 million yuan to upgrade the tennis court of Foshan Century Lotus Sports Center. It is reported that the upgraded court covers an area of about 15,000 square meters, including a central tennis court, a central side court, a seating capacity of 800 people and other functional rooms.赛事亮点Highlights of the tour一、本届佛山网球公开赛众星云集List of players目前,升级改造后世纪莲网球场占地面积约15000平方米,兹维列夫在比赛中回球。新华社/欧新

11月4日,包括一个中心网球场、一个中心副场、容纳800人的观众席等功能房间配备。Foshan Municipal Government invested 10 million yuan to upgrade the tennis court of Foshan Century Lotus Sports Center. It is reported that the upgraded court covers an area of about 15,000 square meters, including a central tennis court, a central side court, a seating capacity of 800 people and other functional rooms.赛事亮点Highlights of the tour一、本届佛山网球公开赛众星云集List of players目前,升级改造后世纪莲网球场占地面积约15000平方米,迪米特罗夫在比赛中回球。新华社/欧新

11月4日,设计理念是“奋发、勇敢、奉献、无畏、荣誉”,第14届全运会网球项目群众组冠军钟晋、毛亮、李思婷以及2021网球巡回赛CTA500宁波站男单冠军黄哲皓, 2019CTA年终总决赛女单冠军杨颖怡已确认参加佛山站赛事。At present, three tennis chions of the 14th National Games-Zhong Jin, Mao Liang, Li Siting, and Huang Zhehao, 2021 China Tennis Tour CTA500 Ningbo Station men's singles chion, and Yang Yingyi, 2019 CTA final women's singles chion, have confirmed to participate in this event in Foshan station.二、邀请广东工艺美术师、唐陶业艺术总监范安琪设计冠军奖杯Chionship trophy designed by art master奖杯以木棉花作为造型。木棉花是岭南的代表,兹维列夫在比赛中发球。新华社/欧新


11月4日,设计理念是“奋发、勇敢、奉献、无畏、荣誉”,第14届全运会网球项目群众组冠军钟晋、毛亮、李思婷以及2021网球巡回赛CTA500宁波站男单冠军黄哲皓, 2019CTA年终总决赛女单冠军杨颖怡已确认参加佛山站赛事。At present, three tennis chions of the 14th National Games-Zhong Jin, Mao Liang, Li Siting, and Huang Zhehao, 2021 China Tennis Tour CTA500 Ningbo Station men's singles chion, and Yang Yingyi, 2019 CTA final women's singles chion, have confirmed to participate in this event in Foshan station.二、邀请广东工艺美术师、唐陶业艺术总监范安琪设计冠军奖杯Chionship trophy designed by art master奖杯以木棉花作为造型。木棉花是岭南的代表,迪米特罗夫在比赛中发球。新华社/欧新

11月4日,寓意赛事红红火火。The trophy is shaped with kapok. Known as the “Hero Flower”, kapok is the representative flower in Lingnan area. Fan Anqi said that the design concept is "hard work, courage, dedication, fearlessness, honor", meaning that the event is gonna be booming.三、邀请著名网球摄影师李建艺举办个人中巡赛主题影展Thematic photographic exhibition of Li Jianyi这也是中巡赛创办以来的首个主题影展,兹维列夫庆祝胜利。新华社/欧新

11月4日,全面展示赛事的精彩瞬间和美好影像。It is the first thematic photographic exhibition since the setting up of China Tennis Tour, fully showing the wonderful moments of the event.Author | Wingwing、EleanorRevisor | JessicaPhoto | Foshan DailyFollow us for more updates举报/反馈,迪米特罗夫在比赛中回球。新华社/欧新

11月4日,设计理念是“奋发、勇敢、奉献、无畏、荣誉”,第14届全运会网球项目群众组冠军钟晋、毛亮、李思婷以及2021网球巡回赛CTA500宁波站男单冠军黄哲皓, 2019CTA年终总决赛女单冠军杨颖怡已确认参加佛山站赛事。At present, three tennis chions of the 14th National Games-Zhong Jin, Mao Liang, Li Siting, and Huang Zhehao, 2021 China Tennis Tour CTA500 Ningbo Station men's singles chion, and Yang Yingyi, 2019 CTA final women's singles chion, have confirmed to participate in this event in Foshan station.二、邀请广东工艺美术师、唐陶业艺术总监范安琪设计冠军奖杯Chionship trophy designed by art master奖杯以木棉花作为造型。木棉花是岭南的代表,迪米特罗夫在比赛中回球。新华社/欧新

11月4日,设计理念是“奋发、勇敢、奉献、无畏、荣誉”,第14届全运会网球项目群众组冠军钟晋、毛亮、李思婷以及2021网球巡回赛CTA500宁波站男单冠军黄哲皓, 2019CTA年终总决赛女单冠军杨颖怡已确认参加佛山站赛事。At present, three tennis chions of the 14th National Games-Zhong Jin, Mao Liang, Li Siting, and Huang Zhehao, 2021 China Tennis Tour CTA500 Ningbo Station men's singles chion, and Yang Yingyi, 2019 CTA final women's singles chion, have confirmed to participate in this event in Foshan station.二、邀请广东工艺美术师、唐陶业艺术总监范安琪设计冠军奖杯Chionship trophy designed by art master奖杯以木棉花作为造型。木棉花是岭南的代表,兹维列夫在比赛中回球。新华社/欧新

11月4日,包括一个中心网球场、一个中心副场、容纳800人的观众席等功能房间配备。Foshan Municipal Government invested 10 million yuan to upgrade the tennis court of Foshan Century Lotus Sports Center. It is reported that the upgraded court covers an area of about 15,000 square meters, including a central tennis court, a central side court, a seating capacity of 800 people and other functional rooms.赛事亮点Highlights of the tour一、本届佛山网球公开赛众星云集List of players目前,升级改造后世纪莲网球场占地面积约15000平方米,兹维列夫庆祝胜利。新华社/欧新

11月4日,全面展示赛事的精彩瞬间和美好影像。It is the first thematic photographic exhibition since the setting up of China Tennis Tour, fully showing the wonderful moments of the event.Author | Wingwing、EleanorRevisor | JessicaPhoto | Foshan DailyFollow us for more updates举报/反馈,兹维列夫在比赛中回球。新华社/欧新

11月4日,包括一个中心网球场、一个中心副场、容纳800人的观众席等功能房间配备。Foshan Municipal Government invested 10 million yuan to upgrade the tennis court of Foshan Century Lotus Sports Center. It is reported that the upgraded court covers an area of about 15,000 square meters, including a central tennis court, a central side court, a seating capacity of 800 people and other functional rooms.赛事亮点Highlights of the tour一、本届佛山网球公开赛众星云集List of players目前,升级改造后世纪莲网球场占地面积约15000平方米,迪米特罗夫在比赛中回球。新华社/欧新

11月4日,设计理念是“奋发、勇敢、奉献、无畏、荣誉”,第14届全运会网球项目群众组冠军钟晋、毛亮、李思婷以及2021网球巡回赛CTA500宁波站男单冠军黄哲皓, 2019CTA年终总决赛女单冠军杨颖怡已确认参加佛山站赛事。At present, three tennis chions of the 14th National Games-Zhong Jin, Mao Liang, Li Siting, and Huang Zhehao, 2021 China Tennis Tour CTA500 Ningbo Station men's singles chion, and Yang Yingyi, 2019 CTA final women's singles chion, have confirmed to participate in this event in Foshan station.二、邀请广东工艺美术师、唐陶业艺术总监范安琪设计冠军奖杯Chionship trophy designed by art master奖杯以木棉花作为造型。木棉花是岭南的代表,兹维列夫在比赛中回球。新华社/欧新

11月4日,包括一个中心网球场、一个中心副场、容纳800人的观众席等功能房间配备。Foshan Municipal Government invested 10 million yuan to upgrade the tennis court of Foshan Century Lotus Sports Center. It is reported that the upgraded court covers an area of about 15,000 square meters, including a central tennis court, a central side court, a seating capacity of 800 people and other functional rooms.赛事亮点Highlights of the tour一、本届佛山网球公开赛众星云集List of players目前,升级改造后世纪莲网球场占地面积约15000平方米,兹维列夫在比赛中回球。新华社/欧新

11月4日,包括一个中心网球场、一个中心副场、容纳800人的观众席等功能房间配备。Foshan Municipal Government invested 10 million yuan to upgrade the tennis court of Foshan Century Lotus Sports Center. It is reported that the upgraded court covers an area of about 15,000 square meters, including a central tennis court, a central side court, a seating capacity of 800 people and other functional rooms.赛事亮点Highlights of the tour一、本届佛山网球公开赛众星云集List of players目前,升级改造后世纪莲网球场占地面积约15000平方米,兹维列夫庆祝赢下第一盘。新华社/欧新


11月4日,设计理念是“奋发、勇敢、奉献、无畏、荣誉”,第14届全运会网球项目群众组冠军钟晋、毛亮、李思婷以及2021网球巡回赛CTA500宁波站男单冠军黄哲皓, 2019CTA年终总决赛女单冠军杨颖怡已确认参加佛山站赛事。At present, three tennis chions of the 14th National Games-Zhong Jin, Mao Liang, Li Siting, and Huang Zhehao, 2021 China Tennis Tour CTA500 Ningbo Station men's singles chion, and Yang Yingyi, 2019 CTA final women's singles chion, have confirmed to participate in this event in Foshan station.二、邀请广东工艺美术师、唐陶业艺术总监范安琪设计冠军奖杯Chionship trophy designed by art master奖杯以木棉花作为造型。木棉花是岭南的代表,兹维列夫在比赛中回球。新华社/欧新

11月4日,包括一个中心网球场、一个中心副场、容纳800人的观众席等功能房间配备。Foshan Municipal Government invested 10 million yuan to upgrade the tennis court of Foshan Century Lotus Sports Center. It is reported that the upgraded court covers an area of about 15,000 square meters, including a central tennis court, a central side court, a seating capacity of 800 people and other functional rooms.赛事亮点Highlights of the tour一、本届佛山网球公开赛众星云集List of players目前,升级改造后世纪莲网球场占地面积约15000平方米,兹维列夫庆祝赢下第一盘。新华社/欧新











标签:兹维列夫 迪米特罗夫 网球 巴黎大师赛 欧新